Regardless of seasons or fashion trends, there's one type of shoe that never goes out of style, it seems. Every girl should own a pair of pumps to match with a business suit for a job interview, a pair of jeans for dinner and a movie, or a dress for a party. They're universal and the possibilities are endless, which is why we set out on a quest for pumps this week. We found a good selection at Marshalls at a wide range of prices. Here are our picks. (Note: We picked pumps with a little pizzaz like leopard print lining, suede and snakeskin.)
Pour La Victoire
Original price: $240.00
Discount price: $129.99
Spotted: Marshalls, Rego Park (Queens)

Carlos Santana
Original price: $75.00
Discount price: $39.99
Spotted: Marshalls, Rego Park (Queens)

Franco Sarto
Original price: $78.00
Discount price: $39.99
Spotted: Marshalls, Rego Park (Queens)